Simply put, Durarara!! is a show that attempts anything and everything. It seeks ensemble-based drama with enough humorous peripheral characters to lighten its load (and some romances thrown in for good measure), and in its spare moments delves into the supernatural and attempts a metafictional perspective on 21st century Japanese culture. The series throws development after development at the audience, fascinating one with modernized takes on Irish folktales, introducing a myriad of strange characters, and filling the screen from corner to corner with dazzlingly colorful panoramas of Ikebukuro, . In spite of its ambitious efforts, Durarara!! is a frustrating show to watch, one whose core story is too light on weight to work and whose levity relies too much on the slapstick and obscure cultural references, and one whose most interesting aspects seem peripheral, with the stories of secondary characters and the framework of the show itself outdoing the rather bland leads in interest.
As said, Durarara!! has one of the largest casts I've yet seen in anime, and this stylistic choice allows the series to frequently change viewpoint and to interweave different aspects of the same event for dramatic effect.The story is greatly improved by the subtly sophisticated personalities of some peripheral characters, particularly the violently insane and yet still strangely lovable Shizuo, and Celty, a beautiful motorcycle-borne dullahan in search of her lost head. Indeed, there are times when the show uses its diverse cast well to dramatic advantage, and it's a bit disappointing that aside from the two aforementioned characters, very few of them are likable. All contribute by accentuating the development of supernatural events or accelerating the story in some other way, and yet many of them are simply despicable and unpleasant (if perversely interesting to watch), ranging from an incestuous older sister to an unbelievably disturbingly-matched couple to Orihime Izaya, who makes a strong contender for the award of most despicably manipulative and psychopathic character yet seen in anime. Furthermore, Durarara!! knows how to make use of characters for thematic purposes and yet struggles to expand upon them: in a twenty-four episode-long series, you only have so much time, and you can hardly expect to make full use of every person if you include more then one can fit.
All in all i give it a 6/10