Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Law of Ueki

Plot Summary: Kousuke Ueki, a student of the Hinokuni Junior High School, is picked by a God Candidate, Koba-sen, to participate in a competition where people battle out to become God and only the strongest will prevail. Embodied with the ability to turn garbage into trees, Kousuke will be joining in the battle against other junior high school students in this selection. This sets the premise for the earth-friendly battle where the students will pit their powers against the rest.

To be honest this is not my Fav. anime. I mean i know there are alot of anime with powers but this one "Sucks" completely when compared to them. I mean of all things the Star has the power to turn garbage to tress, But besides throught out the anime we find out hat his from the another world and those beings have power too....now am not bring down the writers it is a good story line, and has a good Main character and support characters but all in all the anime is fair.
 The Animations isn't of great quality but it can pass:


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