Saturday, October 6, 2012

Soul Eater

 Soul Eater is not as ugly as it's name trust me. It's basically all about kids fighting evil beings and taking their souls to the Grim Reaper (Lord Death). These kid fighters are paired up according to their "soul's wavelength" When two wavelengths match they become a team. Ok here is the good part at least one member of the team is a weapon! They have the power to turn from weapons to humans during a battle. The other member of the team is the one who wields the other in weapon form, these are called Miesters. Where they find thier partners, train, take on missions, and learn is at Death Weapon Miester Academy (DWMA).  The 7 main characters who go to this school are; Maka Albarn, her weapon Soul Eater Evans who is a scythe( Maka cannot stand her father Spirit Albarn he cheated on her mother countless times and soul ran away from home) , the "assign" Black Star( I put quotations around assign because he is an awful assign ), his weapon Tsubaki  Nakatsukasa and she is a variety of wepons used by ninjas(Black Star is an orphan whose parents started breaking the most sacred rule of all in this show, NEVER take the souls of innocent humans so they were killed and Tsubaki....well i don't wanna spoil any episodes) . Lord Death's son Death the Kidd( legit that's his name even "the Kidd" is part of his name) and his two twin pistols Liz and Patty ( Kidd is symmetry obsessed, OCD, and has a panic attack if something is asymmetrical. And Patty is the biggest air-head in the show. Liz and Patty are sisters who grew up on the streets of New York City.) So basically it is about kids fighting evil creatures who have eaten innocent human souls and to keep the ultimate source of madness in the world The Keshin asleep so he can never gain hold of the world.
All about soul Eater

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